Originally Posted by frankslagoon
One of the first things you said was it might be a vacumm leak. If the throttle shaft is loose you have a vacuum leak. try some starting fluid around the shaft and see if the motor revs up. even carb with decent shaft bushings will respond a little . I love my vacuum gauge. if you have one and your motor is pretty stock that would indicate a manifold/intake leak by low vacuum reading.
So, here's what I've discovered this evening after some wrenching...
Primary shaft has no wiggle. Solid as a rock...chevy reference...nothing...i digress
My secondary throttle shaft is indeed loose, good call all that mentioned. I can hear the secondary butterfly valves jingling away. I sprayed some carb cleaner on the base of the secondaries, next to the throttle linkage with no engine reaction, but its def loose. I didnt think a little wiggle could cause so many problems.
I also sprayed down around whole base of the carb with no effect as well.
So, from here I assume the only fix is to resleeve the openings that the throttle shaft sits in?
Frank, I assumed since the whole carb runs on a vacuum, it HAS to be a vacuum leak. i cant think of any other culprit. Good call sir, well played.
It was also mentioned to advance to timing for the altitude difference. I tried and the motor would spit and slug out when the throttle was applied in park. Thanks for the thought though.
Thank you all for the awesome wisdom and advice.