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Old 03-09-2015, 11:55 AM   #35
95 S_Trucker
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Re: Best ride quality, Stock or Lifted?

Originally Posted by K5owner View Post
If you are looking for comfort some custom springs are the way to go. They won't be cheap but they will give you the best possible ride in a leaf sprung truck. Alcan comes to mind but there are others.
Honestly I am not that impressed with the ride quality of my EZ-Rides in my square body. They do flex better than the pro-comps I had before but around town ride a little softer but not much. Also the procomps held loads better when carrying stuff to the dump or a load of gravel. Something to consider.
I think anything would be softer than pro comp springs. I had front and rears on my 85, and that thing rode like a brick. It was a good thing that truck had a headliner, because my head hit the roof quite often. That being said, I didn't lift it to go off road, I lifted it mainly for looks. And those pro comp springs served their purpose.
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