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Old 03-09-2015, 01:17 PM   #7
Big Kev-O
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Re: Buzzers - Speed Warning, Key Reminder - Theory of Operation?

The camaro buzzer has 3 terminals but only two were used to activate the buzzer. The third terminal was used to keep factory plug orientated so that the wires didnt get reversed. The camaro buzzer has 12+ running to it and is activated when the circuit is grounded by the speedometer when it hits the limit. GM cars that were originally equipped with speed warning buzzers had a speedometer with a special terminal to ground the circuit. You need a way to complete a 12v circuit at a given speed. Does your speedometer have the connector/terminal that provides a ground? If it does you can use the Camaro buzzer or a typical 12v relay in conjunction with any 12v audible device for a speed buzzer.

Last edited by Big Kev-O; 03-09-2015 at 01:37 PM.
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