I actually learned this by accident ,,and maybe its being to exact for some ,,but beings I came across it ,,I used it and therefore did not pull my carpet out of place at all ..and did not miss and have to make a hole again larger to get it in the correct place..
I had a light under my truck to see to bolt up my bucket seats from underneath the truck ..
So when I felt for the hole in the truck floor from above that I had predrilled before putting my carpet back in ,, I found the hole by touch and then after moving the threads some ,,I could see a complete circle of the hole by the light shining up through the carpet backing .
I then took an ice pick and punched a hole through the carpet in the direct center,,then I used a drift pin to make the hole the same size as the hole through the floor of the truck ..
A little scissor trimming so the threads would not bind the bolt ,,a easy drop of the bolts down through the seat support holes with no hang ups..
finished product if I may (not trying to show off,,just excited )