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Old 03-18-2015, 07:50 AM   #4
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Re: Which jets and rods for my Quadrajet?

Originally Posted by Greasey Harley View Post
The thing about a Q-Jet is, they need to be matched to the engine.
Different cam = different tune on carb
different static compression = different tune on carb
different heads/valves = different tune on carb
different exhaust or a .030 over bore could even possibly effect the way a Q jet preforms.
You need ALL this information, to figure out how to properly configure your Qudra-Jet.
There is no ONE setup for a Q-Jet, that is why people hate them.
You could take a Q-Jet off one 350 (where it worked perfectly) and put it on a another 350 (different heads, cam, etc) and it will run like $#!T

...but if you can get it tuned, it is the best thing in the world!!
Don't matter what carb you run the same principle applies. The only way you properly tune a carb is to invest in a wideband o2 setup so you can see what your engine is actually doing.

Just swapping jets and rods does nothing.
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