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Old 04-12-2015, 09:19 PM   #6
The Older Generation

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Re: Door Lock Question

Originally Posted by Already Gone View Post
Went and did that and you were right. The door locks when I pushed on it and unlocks with key. Thanks for the help. I can lock the door until I get a new ( do they reproduce them ) latch.
I think it is because there is too much pressure on the door latch. If it is hard to lock you can move the striker plate on the door jamb out a little. Just be sure to mark around it with a fine felt tip marker before you loosen the bolts so you know where it was originally. I would only move it out about 1/16th of an inch to start with. Make sure it doesn't drop down any....

Also roll the window down and spray some penetrating oil on the back of the lock and on the latch. You can see down in there pretty good through the opening with the window down. (if you use a good light)


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