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Old 02-08-2004, 11:47 PM   #1
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Location: shelbyville illinois
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bought some stuff today , anybody need ny thing ?

he fellas , before ya get all ancy it aint 67-72 stuff , mainly mid 70's to mid 80's, he's goin through a divorce ,, there is a bunch frames 4wd and 2wd , blazer frames , burb frames , bodys , one mid 70's crew cab body minus doors, and interior , umm a berreta , just all kinds of stuff , im not listing it for sale im just givin yall a heads up for when i do , any ways why i posted is i did buy 2 trucks of of him , i bought an 84 and an 87 2wd short beds both of em , i was needin a driver so im gonna throw a dog house on the power optioned truck and drive it and probably sell the other , its an 84 straight six , but in very good shape , this guy is one of the best body men around and he only bought em for certain parts , like the 84 he bought just for the bed , but he threw in a super nice rust free bed , it had a winkle t the bottom and he said he didnt use it because he found a better one , he just nut and bolt restored an 85 swb 4x4 ,, really really super lookin truck , i know its not our years im just sittin at home lookin for stuff to talk about , bought the pair for 250.00 because im gonna sell the rest of it for him so he cut me a super deal on those other 2 , i know youre thinkin ,, 125.00 apiece ohh these are some real jewels , but they are super nice super straight trucks , the 87 is even an air truck ,, woo hoo , i know theyre newer but they are still chevy and thats all that matters when it comes to a driver, thanks for listnenin to me squak
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