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Old 05-08-2015, 02:58 PM   #21
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Re: Newbie needs advice

Once you get a welder go to a body shop and ask the manager there if you could get an old bent hood or fender or something like that. If they are like me they have tons of the scrap laying around and should be happy to give you a piece to practice on. Take that fender and your die grinder and cut out some strips and then weld them together.
On the welder if you can the one with the plasma cutter would be good to have. I have a plasma cutter that has a TIG set up as well as a stick set up as well. I've never taken either out of the bag as I have a welder I love. I bought it in 1987 and it is a Big Snap-On and I haven't had hardly any problems with it.
One other thing that hasn't been addressed is wire size. While most use .023 wire it is the best I have used [for a long time] wire as big as .035. It is just harder to work with and lots more to grind so get some .023 and the tips and stuff just for it.
Welding is not that hard to pick up, I taught a member this week how to do it and use a plasma cutter and die grinder and he even learned some fill work and priming as he spent the whole week with me. Jim
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