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Old 05-08-2015, 05:24 PM   #4
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Re: Put 'er to work(terrible photos, be better later)

Double check the fluid level in the master cylinder. It should have an air pocket to allow fluid to expand once the brakes get hot. Leave the fluid level down say about1/4" from the top. The cover has (i assume) a rubber insert to help with this expansion but works best when master isn't jambed full. Newer cars with the clear master cylinder have min/max letters cast into the view window area to help out with this issue, but i suspect your is solid steel. Verbally beat up co-workers working on late model brake jobs pushing pistons in to make room for new thick pads and rotors, watched fluid puke out of the master onto the floor, never open up the hood to correct the fluid lever, (anotherwords overfull) Their reply to me was "it's full isn't it" Couldn't shame them into doing it right even after the car comes back the next week with blue colored rotors!!! Unbelievable!!!! Well enough of my old mechanic rant, but safety related issues repeatedly done deliberately wrong is like fingernails on a chalk board to me. Good luck, Brian F.
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