Originally Posted by jeffahart
I like the 68 wheels and have been keeping my eye out for an nice black one. I have sticky back on the truck after the grant fiasco. You know I made plastic flat springs so the horn would work independently of the cap so I would never get a blowing horn from the horn cap popping off the center. A common problem with the grant. And after all that; the steering wheel wood started separating. Really irritated me. I now bad mouth the wood grant at every opportunity.
I've had quite a few Grants but never a problem like that. Sounds like it wasn't laminated right, but who knows. I haven't bought a Grant since about 2001, so their build quality might have changed since then, has been a few years.
Yea I prefer the '68 wheels too, I have to do some serious work to restore the one I got though, but hey it was the right price (FREE!) so I really can't complain.