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Old 06-11-2015, 08:59 PM   #2
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Re: Triangulated 4 link questions

Sounds like a fun project. If you get people to start giving opinions here, you might get more than you expected. While I still have my OEM leafs with Bilsteins and Addco sway bars, I know that you want to stick to solid principles when you go triangulated. The car manufacturers always had lots of compliance in the arms and bushings. (u-section arms and lots of rubber) This means you want real good rod ends instead of the more common bushings, particularly on the angled links. Some previous threads have spent countless pages hammering the geometry back and forth. My read on all of it is that if you are going to all the work of a custom, why cut corners on the links by using a bushing based system. I have seen a TMR universal kit that looks solid, but I don't know anyone who has used it. Good luck.
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