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Old 06-21-2015, 02:37 PM   #7
67 chevelle
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Re: How to tell what motor is in a 1972 CMC

if the number is on the block in front of the passenger head thats an easy one to get to and read ,, otherwise taking a valve cover off and checking the number cast in the middle of the head is also a good indication ,, as long as you have decent heads any big block will run well ,, peanut port heads run alright but lose it at higher rpm

here is a direct link to moretecs sight

on moretecs sight you are hoping to see number 4 , blocks that have been surfaced lose the nomenclature
then onto numer 1 , they will be there
an example would be 3999241 ,, that is an 402 truck head number
nasty z28s site is better imo for casting numbers
68 Long Fleet , ly6 , turbo 350 , 3-5 drop , original paint , front discs
67 Small window , 7 foot bed , tweaked 6.0 LSX 2004R Medium Olive
58 Apache fleet , 235 , offy intake , dual exhaust , 4 on the floor , red/white
69 Long Fleet , Custom , 6.0, 4l60 , AC , Medium Olive

Last edited by 67 chevelle; 06-21-2015 at 02:48 PM.
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