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Old 06-26-2015, 04:05 PM   #3
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Join Date: Jun 2015
Location: San Diego CA
Posts: 55
Re: its good to be back

Dan, Ha, I never get tired of that joke. In fact my little brother (may he RIP) was named Mike. Every time I visited him he'd hug me and say that line.

The truck is in my driveway. The day after the fire I got at pulling all of the burned items, All wires from the dash forward are gone. I pulled the bucket seats and the floor pad and matting. I pulled the SBC apart to get ready for rebuild since the fire dpt. poured about 1,000 gallons of water down the intake. I have since sourced a new SBC and a million parts for the resurrection of the truck. However I have been concentrating on finishing my bike and the 66 Chrysler 300. I'll tell you I tried to sell the truck a cpl of times but no one had interest in a partly burned 59 Apache. I'm thinking that was the Old Car Gods telling me only I could show it the respect it needs.
I'm about a month from getting back at it since I plan to have the slab for my new garage poured very soon. Once that is done I'll move the truck onto the slab and tear into it. Budget will only allow for the slab at this time but I'll build the garage next year. Not that big of a deal since we are talking about San Diego weather or lack there of.
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