Originally Posted by Advanced Design
Very nice find for a great price! Will make a nice table.
Yes it sure did. Not too big, not too small, juuuuust riiiight.
Originally Posted by franken
I was in the garage tonight working on an old drill press and laughing at my ghetto welding table. Its a short computer rack door screwed to a piece of cement backer board backed by a OSB to give it stiffness, all mounted on a Sears version of a Workmate.
I put a flywheel and pressure plate on it and squashed it so I need to get some 3/4" square tubing to make it more sturdy.
I feel you. That was my reason not to get the HB weld table. it is not real sturdy.
Originally Posted by truckster
Could be worse. My "welding table" is a 8"x12" piece of 1/4 inch plate with a 2" piece of 1/4 plate welded perpendicular on the bottom. I put in it my vise when I need to use my "table".
I was thinking about that using the 3/8" plate you can see in the finished pic.
Originally Posted by _Ogre
nice score on the metal 
amazing what is thrown out on jobs
i use to score a lot from work...
not working for 15 years has dwindled my steel reserves 
Amazing isn't it? My plant is still small enough that asking the right people can get stuff done. Especially if you share.
Originally Posted by vidman
Great find. I just cannot walk by a steel scrap bin and not look in it. get a lot of stuff that way
I check several time a week. Our TIG weld area is next to the scrap area so I have a easy reason to look. And only 3 of us are allowed to use the TIG welder and area so I can hide stuff. The MIG welder is for the maintenance guy. It is outside the TIG area. We do share the Oxy torch.