Re: Junk certificate vs salvage title???
A salvage title and a junk cert are apples to oranges. A salvage title can be built I do it all the time [well not all the time most I buy are good title trucks] But I do on occasion buy one with a salvage title. I just this last week had to file for a rebuilt title on a truck that was bought new in AR and lived here its whole life and got wrecked [a little bit mind you, bedside and tailegate] and the sale I buy from is headquartered in IL so when I bought the truck it has a IL salvage title. I put a reconstruction sheet with it and with a vin verification from local police I am able to get a REBUILT title. Now on our states website it clearly states that NO vehicle shall be put back on the highway that has a junk cert title and the junk cert is applied for only after the vehicle is to be parted out.
I know this is little to no comfort to the op but this is why I preach quite often when someone finds a new toy or project, to not spend one dime on it until they have a GOOD TRANSFERABLE title in their name. Oftentimes a title or close to it is not transferable and there is the rub.
65 Standard, I know that the work you've done is top notch but I'm afraid on this one it doesn't look pleasant for you. Hey, I just thought of something check into KY and see about them I have heard [around my sale] that a person can take a AR parts only[a death sentence for one in AR] and come back with a clean KY title. The AR parts only is really a notch above [or below on how you look at it] the regular AR salvage title. It cannot be used or sold for highway purposes again.