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Old 08-18-2015, 02:28 AM   #18
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Re: Teeitup is out of the truck parting for awhile

I've been married 12 years...4 is very difficult to say the least. My parents were married 17 years (70-87) before divorcing when I was 13. I've been around the block and have seen all perspectives firsthand. Speaking from a "kids" point of view, I am 41 years old now and it has had a profound and lasting effect on my life, as well as my sisters (she is now 36) most of which has been negative. There was no drugs/alcohol/abuse in my parents father just paid more attention to working on the house and hot rods and cars than spending time with family. Simply put, my mom get tired of it and gave him the boot. I have learned from this and am making it a point to avoid this mistake. That being said....

My parents split "amicably" other words, all assets and custody rights blah blah blah were agreed upon by both of my folks. My father retained his retirement, my mom got the house and kids, and small stuff divided up accordingly. Both parents remarried and are retired at 65 and 67 now.

My uncle and aunt were married 20 years (78-98). Their divorce was bitter and petty. Both of my cousins suffered more than my sister and myself. He worked for PAC bell 33 years and had a golden parachute aunt was an RN with $$$ in retirement as well as high income. In the end, BOTH of their lawyers played them and robbed them blind.
They are now 63 and 65, dead broke and will work until they drop.

If your wife reads this, I hope you can BOTH take a lesson from it and not end up like my uncle and aunt.
1972 C/10 Cheyenne Super SWB. Restored, loaded, slammed.

1968 C/10 50th Anniversary LWB. Unrestored, stock, daily driver/work truck.

RIP 67ChevyRedneck
RIP Grumpy Old Man
RIP FleetsidePaul
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