Originally Posted by trapdoor2
Yah, that green SWB is sweet! Has same wheels I have. I want just a little more rake to my stance. I think 2 or 2.5/3 will be just right.
I have looked at the Early Classic leafs. CPP leaf set is about $30 less...probably from the same supplier. 6 of one, half-dozen of other.
2 or 2.5" drop spindles (disc) and OEM coils...already part of the plan. Thanks!
I haven't looked at coils yet. When you say "OEM coils", is that literal or are they OE replacements?
The "where are they made" is a concern for me. ECE couldn't tell me, but it sounds as if a "local" provider (i.e., USA). That said, where does the steel come from, China? Why would it matter?