Originally Posted by franken
The tach output on the distributor is just that--an output. It means little as a test.
You need to check the 12V input to power the HEI.
If the engine cranks, you most likely don't have a ground problem.
So assuming 12V in, and no spark, best guess w/o pulling the cap is a bad module. Maybe the coil, but that's rare.
Simply ordering and shotgunning parts is a great way to waste money, and not much more. For some reason, people choose the most expensive part that's hardest to replace to swap for no reason. What did you choose?
I went and bought a coil and tried that, NO START. So I pulled the distributor and realized there was quite a bit of slop in the shaft, grabbing the cam gear and it moves side to side, plus the advance curve weights were also sloppy, so everything was pointing to the pick/up coil, instead of replacing that part I bought a ACCEL performance replacement distributor for 129.99, put the new coil in the cap cause it didn't come with one, dropped it in and it fired right off, course it was dark and I missed TDC by a tooth or two but that's an easy fix, when its light. Thank you for all your help and advice, and I look forward to picking your brains again, as I assure, I will once again be needing help. I want to upload some pics of my truck, but cant remember how to zip them.