Originally Posted by franken
The tach output on the distributor is just that--an output. It means little as a test.
You need to check the 12V input to power the HEI.
If the engine cranks, you most likely don't have a ground problem.
So assuming 12V in, and no spark, best guess w/o pulling the cap is a bad module. Maybe the coil, but that's rare.
Simply ordering and shotgunning parts is a great way to waste money, and not much more. For some reason, people choose the most expensive part that's hardest to replace to swap for no reason. What did you choose?
Yes it was the pick/up coil, and instead of pull the pin and removing the cam gear I replaced the distributor, the advance curve weights were sloppy as was the shaft, so it was time to go, did its part for over 20 years, thank you for all your help, with the passing of my brother who was a mechanic, you are my only help, im treading some new water here , but love a good challenge.