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Old 08-27-2015, 10:17 PM   #2186
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Join Date: Mar 2015
Location: romulus, mi
Posts: 4
Originally Posted by Dieselwrencher View Post
Sure, no problem. Ask away.

Like Ryan said, they are dis[layed where the original tach used to be. I did get another display too. I'm not sure where I will mount it. I haven't driven the truck a lot, but I do like these gauges. I have to finish mounting my BIM modules and hooking them all up.
I put a p pump on my 24 valve. And I'm not getting fuel that I should be getting out( no black smoke.) I have a airdog165 with 1/2" line from the tank straight into the inj. Pump have done all of the AFC mods. Still nothing. I was told it needs more timing and 4k gov.springs. it's at 18.5°advanced now. Since it has been advanced it seems a little better. But not what it should be. Tinkering with the AFC. I started it up with it off just for the hell of it. It's got coal for days.. Put it back on and back to crap. I don't want to roll coal alot. But I know if there's no smoke I'm not getting enough fuel and can't make power without it. Any ideas? Oh also stock injectors and turbo hx not the hy
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