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Old 10-19-2015, 08:17 PM   #21
Custom Sport W/T
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Re: What part was this shrapnel before it ended up in my transmission pan?

Originally Posted by the_nutt View Post
Welp, just got done reading through nine pages of horror stories from customers of Monster Transmissions, so I'm no longer having a tough time deciding between getting one from them vs. having my shop find and rebuild one. Honestly I don't know why I was even considering getting a tranny from someone whose hand I couldn't shake, haha.

So, other than the TV cable/bracketry, lock-up kit, and driveshaft trim... is there anything specific I should ask for when telling the shop how to rebuild a 700R4 for me?
Glad you saw the light before Monster transmissions took your green. These guys are in Crooksville,Florida oops I mean Brooksville and I made the mistake of buying a 700R4 from them with specific instructions as to the way I wanted it to shift, firmly but not harsh. It would jerk the fillings out of your teeth when it shifted and was shifting way late. I just live 35 miles away from their shop so back it went only to get games played by Josh and and other members of the BS team. Pissed consumer has the goods on them but we would like to believe they are being honest when they talk such a good story. Phoenix transmissions in Weatherford, Texas will be your best bet for a job done right. Good luck, Capt. Roger
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