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Old 10-26-2015, 04:47 PM   #1
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Posts: 184
Warped Exhaust Flanges


I have an exhaust leak on my truck, noticeable with the windows down at idle and very noticeable when accelerating next to a wall/curb/other car (annoying 'PSST' sound increases in frequency with RPMs). Can't hear it with the windows up, but I think that is the sound deadening mat doing its job. The joint between the headers and exhaust pipe looks like this

with a gasket sandwiched between the two pipes and flanges. This doesn't seem like the best way to join two pipes (a ball-and-socket or welded flanges joined face-to-face make more sense to me), but that's what I've got to work with. The flanges on my exhaust seem to have warped, with a noticeable gap on the long sides between bolt holes. I've already replaced the gaskets once when the flange bolts came loose on the passenger exhaust pipe, but the noise is still there (quieter than before, but still annoying) and I think the warped flanges are to blame.

Is it worth my time to try and fix this leak, or will this type of joint always cause trouble? I could have an exhaust shop cut and install a new type of joint, but if I can avoid any unnecessary work that would be preferable. If I can fix it myself, how would I get new flanges on after cutting the old ones off?

Thanks in advance
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