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Old 11-18-2015, 01:02 PM   #22
Keith Seymore
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Re: Just pulled this 72 out of the weeds has "special paint"?

Originally Posted by special-K View Post

I know by '92 it was 10 trucks. I got GMC to paint my truck a fleet color and that's what constituted a fleet order at that tiime. I was disappointed to hear that and asked, "But what if a fleet owner has one truck get totalled, can't they replace that one truck in their company color?". That got my salesman to call GMC to see what we could do. They said they would do my order as long as I was willing to wait till they had at least 5 trucks ordered in that color. I agreed and waited
That's good input. Thanks for mentioning that.

Originally Posted by special-K View Post
That special paint could be any color under the sun. I mean, not necessarily a GM color at all, but a color a business uses no matter what brand vehicle they buy. Sears used to put a similar color on their trucks.
This is absolutely correct. Special paint vehicles could be had in other GM colors not available on the product of interest (like a Cadillac color) or a non GM color (like Ford, or John Deere). Most municipalities or utilities had their own standardized, recognizable color for fleet use (Grand Truck RR orange, or Consumers Power blue or RCMP red and blue).

This service was available on passenger cars, too. Many Pontiacs were painted special colors and are documented as such ("special" - although the documentation does not say what color was used).


Special paint process for PMD vehicles:

Originally Posted by Eric White
The procedure for getting a special-paint car ordered went like this:

• The customer (or dealership) determines what color is desired.

• An "All Series Special Equipment" order form is filled out.

The information required for a special-paint-request on this form is:
• Lower Color Paint No.
• Upper Color Paint No.
• Make of Car & Year Paint Used.
I am guessing that obtaining the correct paint no. would be left up to the ordering salesman/dealership paint department.

In the '60s and early '70s, before colored plastic/fiberglass trim parts became common, any color paint could be ordered, as long as the dealer could supply the paint formula no. on the S.O. form. After the mid-'70s when the crash-bumper fillers became common place, special order colors were phased out except for large fleet orders.

Several codes were used on the Fisher Body trim tag to indicate a special-order paint. Codes varied between the years and between Fisher Body plants. Some of the codes used were:
1= Standard GM paint, not a Pontiac color
2= Special Pontiac color. Sometimes offered a half-year "springtime" color.
3= Cadillac FireFrost color. This paint was not normally allowed on a Pontiac build because of the special processes required to apply this type of paint.
4= Body in primer
SPEC or ** would indicate a paint color from a source outside GM (Ford, Chryco, AMC, John Deere, International Harvester, etc.) Colors could also be ordered to match school or business colors. As long as a formula no. could be identified by the dealership just about any color hue could be specified.

• The order was then routed through the Pontiac Zone office, which then routed it on to the Central Office.

• Central Office then entered a request to the paint supplier, usually PPG/Ditzler, for the appropriate paint.

• The paint supplier shipped a quantity of paint to the appropriate assembly plant.

• The special-order build was scheduled and coordinated between the Fisher plant and GMAD or Pontiac assembly.

• Build was delivered to dealership with a quart of touch up paint in trunk.
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Last edited by Keith Seymore; 11-18-2015 at 01:12 PM.
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