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Old 11-23-2015, 08:37 AM   #19
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Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: Chattanooga, TN
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Re: 350 flexplate on a 307?

Are you trying to put a 1-piece seal flexplate on a 2-piece seal engine or visa-versa? That won't work. The balancers will interchange and almost everything else external, but the flexplates have a different bolt pattern. DO NOT make the holes bigger. If you have a like for like swap it will fit. Even 400 and 454 will fit-they just won't be balanced.

As cheap as a flexplate is, just go buy one for your new engine. What year is the 305?

Your 82 350 is a 2-piece seal, the end of the crankshaft has a flange on it like this.

A 1-piece seal crankshaft is round all the way. like this
'83 K20-TPI
'73 C10
'79 C10-ex-diesel(SOLD)
'07 Tahoe(Son driving)
'14 Suburban-DD
'71 C10-current project
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