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Old 11-24-2015, 08:29 PM   #7
In The Ten Ring
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Re: I with I had been driving my truck last night.

You guys! I noticed the "with" in the title but I couldn't edit it after posting.

I do have a southern drawl, when I let it show.

It was a crazy event. And had things gone differently, someone easily could have been killed.

I think my truck would have been jeffahart said, "run it over." Its head hit my front bumper cover (I saw it hit there and I saw the slobber mark) and its shoulder hit my hood. My car, I love my car, but it's 13 years old so this may total it out. I am weighing my options. If I let the insurance pay it off, I plan to take the money and buy another 1999 to 2002 Honda Accord but EX and manual.

I love these cars that much. Stay safe out there guys.
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