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Old 11-30-2015, 07:47 PM   #6
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Re: Shorten or not ? Cheyenne Super long bed to a short bed

I am of the opposite thinking than Zepp Short frame and short bed change over would make it worth more [to certain people] I have 5 trucks that I'm gonna build two of those are long to short change overs. I am not cutting a frame or bed however just doing a change over. The very first one I got a 70 long pretty decent truck at that time, The very first person that saw it when I got it home said if it were short I'd be a buyer. So there you go. I have heard that forever though If it were [opposite of what i had] I'd be a buyer. Back when my inventory was large I'd show a truck and they would say that then i'd carry them out back and show just what they said they would buy just to call them on it. 75% of the time it was BS
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