Thread: 75 Dually build
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Old 12-03-2015, 10:15 PM   #291
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Re: 75 Dually build

First the body shop guys need to keep their laughter to themselves on this one. With that being said I have wanted to use one of the big round erasers that body shops use to remove the double sided tape that holds the trim on and the vinyl striping, but I always seem to forget them when I pick up my paint supplies. Well I got some the other day and they are fantastic. It took off the old vinyl striping on the drivers door in just under 5 minutes. Wow! And it did not hurt the paint below. All I did after I got done using it was wipe the door down and was done faster than I thought possible. The body shop guys have some of the coolest tools!!

I also did the front passenger fender as well. I will do the rest of the passenger doors this weekend. What a time saver.

Ok you body shop guys, be kind...
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