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Old 12-30-2015, 10:35 PM   #4
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Re: Origin of names half-ton, one-ton, deuce and a half, etc.

Yeah, but I want a source! The best I can find is Consumer Reports, which isn't exactly Britannica:

"The terms "half-ton" for the 1500s and "three-quarter-ton" for the 2500s are widely used but obsolete: a holdover from decades ago when the number referred to the maximum cargo weight capacity. Conversationally, the 2500-series and heavier trucks are known as "heavy duty," but that's not technically correct, either. The U.S. Government considers any truck that weighs less than 14,000 pounds, including 3500-series, to be a light-duty truck. "
1970 GMC Sierra Grande Custom Camper - Built, not Bought
1969 Pontiac 2+2 427/390 4-speed Coupe
1969 Pontiac 2+2 427/390 4-speed Convertible
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