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Old 01-10-2016, 08:30 PM   #17
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Posts: 13
Re: Looking for my grandpas 72 Cheyenne...

Alright update on truck and how I found it. It was stupid easy, so I am hoping it was meant to be.

I was born in 73, gpa bought the truck in late 72 new. I grew up in that truck. When I was small we did everything in the truck. Mom drove it to school her SR year. Gma and mom took me everywhere. When I got a little older I would go out and sleep in the truck during the afternoons or even at night. I learned how to drive that truck on the back country roads of southeast Kansas... Fished, hunted, took girls on dates, etc... It was my everything growing up... When I went off to the service, GPA thought that he would trade it and since it has a 4bbl on it, that I had no need for that truck... I cried when I came home from leave to find it gone...

Now how I found it. I know a lot of people that work in the county courthouse in SEK that grandpa had everything registered in. I called up there and asked for a favor from some of the people I know. They went back in the records and found the Vin and the last registered owner on record. Now this is where I really got lucky I feel. Gpa traded in for some junk ass Toyota in or around the Joplin area around 1993 time frame. The truck apparently didnt come back into the state of KS until around the 2005 time frame. I had a feeling the truck was in MO for some time. Well the last known register user lives around the Mound City KS area. This is where it gets a little interesting.

My sister in law is the funeral director of Mound City KS. I called her and asked if she new this person. Funny thing is she does know this lady and they go to church together. So my SIL asks this person if it was okay for me to reach out to her and inquire about a 72 PU that she has. I was given the number of this lady and gave her a ring...

So I call this lady and visit with her for a bit... Shes 71 and just a little behind on the conversation. I am asking questions and trying to gather information in what truck she has.. I gave her the vin CCE142J119951 and asked her to look back through her records and see what she has. Or if she did have it at one time where it might be. She gave me the name and # of her son, I spent about 10 days trying to connect with this guy... Then just a couple of days ago, this lady calls me and says that she has a 72 PU and the title she has for it and the Vin matches perfectly.

So at that point i start to cry LOL... Cant believe I found it.... She clearly said she really doesnt want to sell it right now... My SIL and her are going to have coffee one day next week and get some more pictures of the truck for me.
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