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Old 02-02-2016, 02:22 PM   #51
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Re: 72 "converted" 4x4 sold for $79,000 at BJ

Originally Posted by CastIron View Post
A restoration can be done at a reasonable price, it just takes more thinking and more time.
That's why mine cost $85K instead of $250K, I did all the work myself (almost).

If my labor were done and priced professionally, it'd be a $300K restoration. But since professionals would be faster than me, you'd be at $250K. Which is ballpark what it costs at any quality restoration shop for a full restoration (with some rust).

I don't mean "Gas Monkey Garage" restorations, I mean Musclecar Restorations or Legendary Motorcar restorations. Drop your keys and a $250K check off and they'll call in two years to tell you what your balance is.

Or you can restore it to look good from 20 feet away for $20K, I know that. The last 20 feet are expensive. The last 3 inches are priceless - that's where you're looking for 2000-grit sanding sratches in chrome or a slight haze in your stainless polishing from the wrong media.

Some will say "you've said that all before", but I repeat it every couple of months when the "That's a really nice truck, the owner must be stupid to spend money" thread comes up.

1970 GMC Sierra Grande Custom Camper - Built, not Bought
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