Originally Posted by CastIron
It is possible to spend a huge amount of money to restore a vehicle, but it isn't necessary.
First off, I would never pay retail price for any parts unless I had to. Almost everything can be found cheaper if a person is willing to spend some time looking. Wait for a sale or consider buying used parts.
And speaking of used parts, it helps to learn how to refurbish things. Not everything has to be new. A lot of smaller parts can be made to look like new with a little work.
This is an excellent take on the hobby,....and I fully agree.
There were literally millions of these trucks made so don't invest money or time that you think someone will pay you for....because it supposedly cost you personally somehow...time and money. Most people either don't care and/or often don't believe the 32,000 hrs @ $150/hr invested angle and most buyers, even serious, would never buy based on that balance sheet...that is something the builder owns solely.....noting perhaps Chip Foose is one of the few exceptions...lol

Anyways, life and certainly economics doesn't work that way 99.5% of the time...never has.
Invest in your truck for you....do not think that everyone is waiting for your personalized masterpiece because many...most? aren't.

...public adulation and payback comes in about a 5-8 minute review and walk-by at the show'n shine...and that's about it. If it's highly personal...thats different, enjoy your effort....but take the public review value and resale value to the public, out of the question.
Be careful what you put effort and money into.....but most of all enjoy on it a personal basis first.
My two bits.