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Old 02-02-2016, 04:01 PM   #60
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Re: 72 "converted" 4x4 sold for $79,000 at BJ

I agree with what you are saying DavePL. It always annoys me when this subject comes up and there are a bunch of posts that say that 'they' could build the same truck for $15,000 (or whatever, just a number) and seem to hint that everyone else should be able to also. I've done a lot to my truck, but there are a lot of things that I either didn't have the tools, shop, talent, or whatever, to be able to do myself. So, it cost me a whole lot more that $15,000 to build my truck. I relate this back to buying or building a house. I built my own and saved a ton. I was fortunate enough to have the know how to do so though. I guess, even with my house, I hired out things like the foundation, excavation, drywall and insulation. So even there, I could have saved even more if I were to do those things myself, but then I'd need to buy some heavy equipment to do the excavation, and learn a new trade to do the drywall, etc. The point is, I did 'most' of it myself and saved a bunch of money. I however, don't go out and tell people not to pay the 'going rate' for a new house because they could build it for much cheaper. Truth is, most people couldn't build it themselves, so they pay to have someone else do it. Not that much different than a vehicle. Anyhow... I agree with what DavePL is saying, but can almost guarantee that this issue will come up again and again, with some differences in opinion on what a vehicle is actually worth.
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