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Old 02-25-2016, 02:46 PM   #1
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NOS 67-68 Grille Hoops


Two NOS 67-68 Grille Hoops P/N 3884182. Aluminum and in the unopened GM wrappers. Both appear in perfect condition--can get some pictures later tonight.

Selling as a pair.

I expect shipping to be around $50-60 given the size of the $360 shipped & insured CONUS via money order or $371.05 shipped & insured via Paypal.

EDIT: I will have upcoming trips to the following places: Columbia MO, Craig CO, Rawlins WY, Sidney NE, central NE, Lincoln and Beatrice NE, and Carlsbad, NM. Could do $300 delivered personally by me anywhere between those places and Denver....

Last edited by 402Bowtie; 08-10-2016 at 11:38 PM.
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