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Old 03-10-2016, 12:32 PM   #2
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Re: Blinker help? 71 c10....

You can't really just "add grounds", though you can make sure all of your body parts are grounded to each other.

If it's a ground issue, you start at the load (the lamp) and work back from there everywhere it needs to connect to get to ground from the black wire coming out of the socket (or the socket ground) back to the battery, making sure there are no voltage drops along the way.

No fancy LED bulbs or electronic relay blinkers or other changes we need to know about?
1970 GMC Sierra Grande Custom Camper - Built, not Bought
1969 Pontiac 2+2 427/390 4-speed Coupe
1969 Pontiac 2+2 427/390 4-speed Convertible
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