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Old 03-17-2016, 05:59 PM   #14
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Re: Who knows how to port camel hump heads?

Matt, look up Grumpy Jenkins aka da grump. You bet you last dollar he knew his stuff. He was a very highly sought after builder for his ability to make small blocks and big blocks too kick major buttocks. He at one time ran a small block [very well] in the category known as Pro Stock in the NHRA. He was a innovator and a visionary. He was if I'm not mistaken the very first to run a tube chassis car. He did stuff with a small block back in the 70's and early 80's that most can only read of or dream of.
Now if you hadn't guessed it I was a fan of Grumpy back when I was a kid. One of the most famous pics of him he is laid out super model style on a bearskin rug with the famous cigar he chomped on with him in a swinsuit if I remember right.When I was younger My heros were Grumpy Don the snake and Connie Kaleta. Oh and I liked jungle Jim[ most loved jungle Pam] If you would love some amazing reads look up some of those drag raging larger than life people.
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