Originally Posted by hugger6933
There are a couple of welds in the wheel house where the inner skin and outer skin are welded. On a couple of the bedsides I've split[4] they looked like welds from a first attempt at welding by a jittery 7 year old. No offense meant to 7 year olds.
In other news STECK makes a product called the seam buster I highly recommend for busting the seams where they are welded. I put off buying them and for a year or two every time I would split a panel, I would think to myself I wish I had those I bet they are great. I bought them both, the 90 degree and the straight one and LOVE LOVE LOVE them. They are def money well spent [Around $30 bucks I think]. Steck says they will save you an average of 15 min per panel but on a job like splitting bedsides I'd say 30 min per side. Jim
Oh and on the spot welds I found best is a double sided 1/8 inch bit then a step drill bit. Put it in the hole done by the 1/8 incher then the step and count to 6 and they will pop lose if you were in the center.
In all farNess I read this after the dirty deed..

.. man this was really kill my Sunday Easter..Man.... well I used my other two beds that I had laying around as a guide. Did c the welds by a 7 yr old cut those off did the spot welds by the head rack ..BUT WAS STILL getting caught on the lip so I think. Is there spot welds on the top of the rack on the stake pockets? And still also get caught on the tail light house ing is the spot welds in side connecting to the rear stake support?.