Thread: 75 Dually build
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Old 04-01-2016, 01:48 PM   #424
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Re: 75 Dually build

Originally Posted by 75Dually View Post
I had to take back my hydro boost because it was sticking and I had to use my foot to pull it back up. It would make the brakes drag really badly. The new one came in today, so off the old one came, and now it is replaced. I figured while I was under the hood I would replace the upper radiator hose too. The old one failed during our trip home from LST, so it got a trip to the trash can, and the new one is now in it's new home. It's the little things that can drive you up a wall... Now on to the Watts Link. Gotta get it done because we have a local show next weekend and I want this big girl buttoned back up so I can slam it on the ground. That just sounds wrong doesn't it...
Nah...slamming it on the ground sounds totally right! :-)

Did you buy an aftermarket hydroboost or did the truck come stock with one?
83 Crew Dually build thread:

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