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Old 04-08-2016, 12:21 PM   #8
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Re: Carb gurus needed inside

My guess is that your choke is sticking - not opening all the way when the engine is hot and not closing all the way when the engine is cold.

Perform this check: Push the accelerator all the way to the floor once after turning the ignition to the on position. Open the hood, remove the air cleaner, check to see if the choke valve in the carburetor (aka butterfly) is closed all the way. It must be completely closed to start properly. Put your finger on the choke valve to make sure it is really closed all the way. If it is not completely closed then that is your starting problem.

After the engine is warm, remove the air cleaner and check to see that the choke valve is completely open - straight up and down vertical. If the choke valve is partially closed then that is your run condition problem.

If you are having choke trouble, I would remove the electric choke and convert to a manual choke ($12 and about 1/2 hour of work.) I converted all of my carbureted vehicles to manual chokes.
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