Thread: Frame rails
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Old 04-10-2016, 05:20 PM   #4
Roger in Republic
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Location: Republic, Washington
Posts: 12
Re: Frame rails

AL. My mount was made for my truck. More modern plows use a set of lugs bolted to the frame rails that "quick Connect" to the plow. Mine has a large plate with ears that pin to the plow. My problem is that I am way out in the woods and and I am almost housebound. It is hard for me to get out and measure the rails on any newer trucks. I would hate to drive 80 miles to see a truck and then find that it is too wide or too narrow to work. I could shim it a little if it was too narrow but too wide would make it impossible to get a good fit. Our only really good fabricator had a problem with Meth and seems to have disappeared.

I guess I will have to get my tape measure out and go to town and measure all the trucks in the Tavern parking lot. I hope I don't get shot for my trouble.
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