Originally Posted by GA Cowboy
I got tail light and side marker on the right side, just no back up light (top white one) turn signal or brake light on the right side. Don't see any obvious grounds behind the housing?
The brake and turn signals use the same wire The left side uses a yellow wire and the right side uses a dark green wire. There's a couple of ways to troubleshoot the problem.
The harness has a plug in connector on the firewall behind the distributor and it has all the wires to the rear lights in it. There is also a mid-frame connector in the harness up in the frame channel closer to the rear of the truck.
Disconnect the connector behind the distributor and run a 12 volt jumper from the battery to the dark green wire and see if the right light illuminates.
If you get a light then your trouble is in the cab. If you don't get a light then check the dark green wire in the firewall with a multimeter for 12 volts with the key on and the right turn selected.
If you don't get 12 volts ( the meter will alternate from 12 to 0 with the flasher) then the problem is in your cab harness.
The backup lights use a light green wire and if you have a left side backup light, the right side just jumps over from the left.
I suspect that the problem is in the rear harness. The brake/turn lights come from the turn signal switch and the connector on the steering column, while the reverse light wires come from the fuse panel.
If you have an automatic the backup light wires will plug into the neutral start switch that's mounted on the steering column next to the purple wires for the starter solenoid.
The dash indicator is tied in with the turn signal wire and the fact that it's working in the cab indicates that the dark green wire in the cab is OK as well.
Since you have a brown wire for the right tail light and it's working, that should rule out a grounding issue.\
Here's a pic of the rear harness.