Re: did i crack my block
Psi test the cooling system, it will help you eliminate the guessing. You could also leak coolant into your combustion chamber and wouldn't mix your coolant and oil together. You can perform a bubble test to check for this.
Here is a quick Google search and I know all searches aren't accurate lol.
As with many things on a car, there is an "official reason" and a "REAL" reason for freeze plugs. The official reason (and the source of the name) is this: If you run just water with no antifreeze in your car's cooling system the water can freeze. When water freezes, it expands. If water freezes inside your engine block, it can expand and crack the block, destroying the motor. Freeze plugs (or expansion plugs) will "pop out" and supposedly prevent this. In reality this doesn't work all the time: I've seen MANY blocks destroyed by cracking without the freeze plugs popping out, or if they do pop out the block cracks anyway.