Thread: Light issues
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Old 05-25-2016, 12:18 AM   #17
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Re: Light issues

Originally Posted by 66clow View Post
Ok I did some testing. Fyi if it matters I don't have an actual horn hooked up. Didn't buy one yet if that matters. With key off I put my test lamp on the crescent wires. I show power to all wire colors except black and brown. With key on the same thing no power to black or brown. When I turn on the hazard the test light flashes on the brown, blue, and green wires. Does the horn relay effect the signals? Again signal switch is new. Ignition switch is new. New flashers, I switch them as well still no difference. All other lamps work as they should. Fuses good. Inside lamps flash with hazards.

IF you can hear the horn relay click then the horn will work if the green wire is connected to it. The black wire in the connector is the horn relay ground wire and it won't have any power to it. When you push the horn button with the harnesses connected does the relay click?

The brown wire is the power wire for the four ways and it should have power on it at all times. I'm talking about the steering column harness from the fuse box not the column.

The purple wire should have power when the key is on. It's the one that powers the turn signal wires in the switch.

The white wire is the brake light power and will be hot when the brake pedal is pushed, key on or off. It sends power to the signal switch to the dark green and yellow wires when the switch is in neutral.

The two blue wires are for the front turns and the indicator lights in the dash.

Check the brown, purple, and white wires, remember they are the input power to the TSS all the other wires are output power to the lights ( except the black one).

If you have no power on the brown wire then the hazard flasher is bad or there is no power from the hazard fuse on the fuse panel. It should have a 12
brown wire running from there to the crescent connector at the top right of the diagram.

Looking at the other side of the fuse panel you can see the purple wire which is fed by a 12 gauge brown wire from the key switch.
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