Originally Posted by Isaiah92260
My truck is stock height. For some reason I love stock and original looks. I've been wanting to drop my truck but keep talking myself out of it.
One thing I really want to do regardless is level out the trucks stance because as well all know, on the original suspension specs, the front end looks like it sat lower.....
Is there any tricks or thing people of done to raise the front end?
Also, are Bias Plys a bad idea or is that just a preference? I dot know anything about them or their characteristics., I think they look cool, I have small tires on my truck and I need to get bigger tires, about 31" tall.
Thanks guys.
on stock the back end was always up a bit so that when you put some weight in the back it tended to level out. remember that they were meant in those days to carry a load. not to go up and down the road and look pretty.
you will really notice bias ply tires where heavy trucks run up and down the road. there tends to be a dip in the pavement where the tires run and they can tend to move your vehicle about a bit