Thread: ebay honesty
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Old 05-29-2016, 11:53 AM   #14
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Re: ebay honesty

Originally Posted by Andy4639 View Post
The guy has a bed cover in his truck and you call him dishonest! Why? He answered your question pronto! With pictures. That is honesty. I have a bed cover in mine and I'm not hiding anything. I want to protect it.
I don't pull it up and show it to everybody when it's at a show.

It's the buyer who should ask the right questions before buying! I don't see anything wrong with it myself even the bed but if I was looking to buy it I would be having him send me a bunch of pictures of it.
Nobody called anybody dishonest because they had a bed cover on his truck.

Its not at a show its for sale. and with so many other detailed pictures why omit any of the most important bed details.

If it was a simple oversight then thats what it is. And his quick response gives him some credability. I've been in this game along time and usually "oversite" like this is an indication that something may be wrong.I know the truck business having had a few and sold a few and been on this and other sites. It raises doubts. and with so many scams one has to worry about I dont bother risking it.

Plus there are may examples of the right way to present a vehicle. And this is a used car lot? what? they have not been in business long enough to know how to present a vehicle in a similar way.

I stated that I dont see anything wrong with the bed. I dont see anything wrong with the bed to justify a serious ommission like that. He may have simply made a mistake or he may be an idiot. but Ebay has been around a while, crooks have too. Sorry but too many examples of how its done right to except an excuse. Its a used car lot. Knowing that now makes me even more suspect about his intent. I'm not saying he should go to jail but maybe me and a few others are tired of the lame excuses people dredge up to excuse thier incompetence when in reality thier really hiding something.

Not saying he is, and from the looks of the bed I dont understand why it was an oversite. The bed looks good enough to be a selling point.

Just my opinion having sold about a dozen cars on ebay. A used car lot that is so clumsy in the execution of a skill and responsability that is thier bread and butter.... Hmm? I suppose they could be idiots. even with idiots, there are too many complications.

the buyer did ask the right question, perhaps he should ask a whole lot more
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