Thread: ebay honesty
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Old 06-04-2016, 10:38 PM   #41
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Re: ebay honesty

Sure...Honest as the day is long. Just one little question. why didn't he incorporate the image of the bed with the mat pulled back once a potential customer asked about it. Hmm? He forgot initially, sure, ok but once the question was asked.why did he not correct the "oversite" for the edification of future buyers. Cant say he forgot again. Theres nothing to hide. so why ?1600miles? not even going to go there. besides, I have no right to doubt his honesty. it would be an affront to even think that way.

Bid with confidence

whats he saying about the carrier bearing needing more secure mounting

fibre sealing? I got fibre glass in my corvette. igot fibre in my diet. whats he saying about using it, what ever it is to patch up pen holes

Last edited by mike16; 06-04-2016 at 10:45 PM.
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