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Old 06-08-2016, 11:43 PM   #12
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Re: Pinging after 40-45 mins of driving?

Originally Posted by 1969guy View Post
The race fuel definitely helps. According to a chart I saw, the minimum octane for 10:1 comp. is 92 octane, but not sure how accurate that is. But if your putting 2 gallons of 110 in 93 then you may have higher compression than you know, unless you built it and know for sure.

There is a way to figure out them mean octane of fuel you put in by math.

This is what I do:

4 gallons of race fuel(112) and 15 gallons of 93 octane equals 19 gallons total.

Divide 4 by 19 and get .21, then multiply that by 112 equals 23.6

Divide 15 by 19 and get .79, then multiply that by 93 equals 73.5

Add the totals and that's your total octane, 23.6 plus 73.5 equals 97.1 octane

Try that and see what you get. On the safe side you should probably shoot for 94 or 95 octane.
I used a fel-pro 1094 head gasket on the stock short block, and the compressed thickness is .015, so I figure 10-1. It could be higher but I'm not sure. I'll try the math you suggested
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