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Old 06-14-2016, 01:18 AM   #5
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Re: what pulleys for 250 -w- air?

jason banks - thanks man, that's great info there, it looks like you have been
researching this thing for quite a while. maybe we can get enough people to submit enough info to make a sticky on this stuff for future reference.

richard j thanks for the info on the vintage air stuff, i tried the hei with the separate coil on my 250 but it was just too tall. and you sir, have my respect for your ingenuity. , your setup looks like it was put there at the factory.

panel deland thanks for the info on the pulleys. i didn't know that there was more than one type.
keep the info coming folks, pictures are appreciated , anything is helpful and part numbers are good if you got em. i appreciate it
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