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Old 06-18-2016, 11:01 PM   #5
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Re: How do you remove the needle seat in a 69 Quadrate

Ok, so my replacement has notches for a large flat blade screwdriver. But the old one that is installed has no notches. I have tried just grabbing the round surface but not able to turn it. I suppose I could cut notches in it with a dremmel tool or clamp down on it hard with something like vice grip needle nose. I suppose that is a one-way trip to the trash can for that part once I really tear into it to get it loose. Am I heading the right direction?

The needle does not lift out with the float, because it is a simple hex shaped needle with no knob or clip on top. I lifted it out with forceps as shown in the picture. But I suppose the new needle can be clipped onto the float. I will see when I get that far.
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