Originally Posted by Dieselwrencher
I can relate to that. Haha But, I'd rather be able to lock them in than rely on the old auto locking junkers.
Oh yes manual hubs rule. I have International hubs on my Jeep they have auto or manual lock, kinda cool option.
Originally Posted by 6BT 56
I do have to admit tho my 85 k20 beater has the original auto lockers. I know its inevitable that some day they will fail to lock up and it will deffinately be when I need them the most but man they kick butt when you don't want to get out into the cold Wet snowy outdoors . If I ever have to swich em out for some real hubs I will hire a hobo to travel with me during the winter to lock and unlock my hubs . Lol...hoppy the hub hobo I think I will call him . He will get paid with Tim hortons .
How many people to the south just went Tim who ???? Canadians eh. Lol....
Well you could use a hobo, but what about the trunk monkey? Have you seen those videos? Very funny.