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Old 07-04-2016, 04:49 PM   #5
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Re: 1972 Blazer CST Frame off Project in NC

Originally Posted by UGAK5 View Post
Thank you both for the responses 4oldcars and jaros44sr

I did test out bracing the door opening and it was super rigid (PO replaced the torsion boxes under the rockers with all new metal), nothing really made it shift. So, I lifted it carefully without them. The dolly I put the body on it shimmed to mate up and support the body well - - much better than the POS body mounts I found rotted away under it!

Maybe I will regret it - time will tell. I already have a few regrets on this project, so a few more won't kill me. Chances are I will be taking these back off and putting them on properly -- crap welds.

jaros44sr - I googled tri-pro, looks like they are out of business - any other recommendations? I do have the hard top, but again, the PO bondo'ed the top of the rear panels, so there were no holes left to attach it to.......funny how all POs are hacks and all current owners are geniuses!

Also, I found the frame dimensions for a 1971 4x4 - does anyone know where I can get them for the 1972? I went page by page through my 'Assembly Guide' but couldn't locate anything. Would like to have some to take to the body shop with me this week.
try looking up top banana, I think that is what they changed their name to
Semper Fi...Uncle Sam, you da man

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Dont try this stuff in my build thread, unless you have 55 years of mechanical OTJ training

AS usual, off topic

They say your mind goes second, can't remember the first

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